Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Modo: replicate surface of an item

Preference > Defaults > Mesh Items > Copy and Paste : Check 'Select Pasted Elements' and 'Deselect Elements before Pasting' both. 
import item into Modo using File -> import.
imported item gets displayed in the "Item List" tab.
select the item in the "Item List" tab, then "view -> fit selected" to focus the item in the 3d view.
select any of the component controls (vertices/edges/polygons).
right click context menu in the 3d view allows to choose different lasso select styles.
"right click + drag" to lasso select the specific surface you want to replicate.
"ctrl-c -> ctrl-v -> w" to copy, paste the selected surface and move it to different place. (or) "ctrl-c -> n -> ctrl-v" to copy, paste the selected surface to different plane.
"file  -> export as  -> stl" to save the model as stl file.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

How to configure D'link pocket router dir-506l with ACT Fibernet

login to the router using the address "". Then setup->internet->manual internet connection setup. Fill the values as it is as shown in the second screen shot. For mac address, click clone button displayed next to it. save the settings. you are done.
