Sunday, May 1, 2016

modo sculpting

  1. ctrl + tab allows you to change between views. Using it change to paint view. 
  2. change to vertex mode. in other mode things are not working
  3. first select the suitable brush. various brush types are displayed in the left side sculp tools panel. I like the smooth brush.
  4. adjust brush size using right click + drag. ctrl + right click + drag to adjust bias. bias is shown by the red color displayed inside the brush circle. It indicate how sharp the curve will fall from the center to the border of the brush circle.
  5. push is my favorite tool. select the push button in sculpt tools panel. then left click + drag either pulls or pushes the vertices. Be default it pulls up. Hold ctrl button to push down. change. when you select the push button in the sculpt tools panel, it displays a group of controls on lower part of the sculpt tools panel and a small floating offset control panel on the center lower part of the 3d view. in the displayed controls, normal mode and smooth mode drop downs are important.
  6. push pull or push does in which direction depends on the normal mode drop down. if normal mode drop down has average as selected, then average of all the normals under the brush is taken and in the direction pushing or pulling happens.
  7. use the floating offset slider to modify the how much impact one pull/push request will do.
  8. after applying pull or push to smooth the surface hold shift key + left click + slide. You can also do this by explicitly selecting the smooth button in the sculpt tools panel and left click + slide on the area you want to smooth.

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